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Role of Scientists

INESAP is based on the premise that the world's scientists and engineers can play a key role in achieving the mentioned objectives. Thus INESAP helps to build national and international communities of scientists working on nonproliferation and disarmament. Such a global community can overcome the narrow view imposed by national perspectives. The combination of technical expertise, political experience, and international perspectives inherent in INESAP's network is well suited to the devising of new alternatives for current and future security problems. This network is able to contribute to problems ranging from detailed technical ones, such as devising verification systems, to more abstract ones, such as outlining conceptual approaches to a nuclear-weapon-free world.
INESAP uses an integrated, interdisciplinary and international approach for combining research, networking and action to establish a closer interface between science and policy, to ensure an exchange of research results and ideas at early stages of thinking, and to widen the perspective of the public, policy makers, and fellow researchers.
