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Bulletin 25
April 2005 (
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Transformation of the Nuclear Control Regime
From the NPT to Nuclear Abolition
Einstein, Gorbachev and the Need for New Thinking
Beyond the NPT
Jürgen Scheffran, Wolfgang Liebert, Martin Kalinowski
A Nuclear Weapons Free Future
Douglas Roche
Summary Report of MPI Atlanta Consultation II
Middle Powers Initiative
Looking at the NPT and Beyond
Ronald McCoy
Award for David Krieger
Ferment in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
Harold A. Feiveson
Time for Nuclear States to Recall Their Obligations
Anatoli Diakov and Eugene Miasnikov
A Post-NPT Nuclear Regime Change?
Dingli Shen
“No country should have nukes”
10 Years After the 1995 NPT Review
Fernando de Souza Barros
Making Weapons, Talking Peace
Zia Mian, A. H. Nayyar, M. V. Ramana
From Obligation to Abolition
Alyn Ware
International Control of Tritium for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament
The NPT and a Nuclear Weapon Free Regime
Workshop Report
Legal, Technical and Political Elements Required for a Nuclear Weapons Free World
Draft Working Paper by Malaysia
CTBT a Dead Letter?
How Not to Think About Nuclear Weapons
Peter Weiss
US Nuclear Weapons in Europe
The Creation of the Abolition 2000 Network
Colin Archer
Abolition 2000 Report Card for 2004
Janet Bloomfield and Pamela S. Meidell
Today Is Not a Good Day For War
by David Krieger
Scientists and the Bomb
In the Spirit of Einstein
David Krieger
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International Security and Disarmament
UN General Assembly
Science and Nuclear Weapons – Where do we go from here?
A paper by Joseph Rotblat
Soldiers in the Laboratory
Scientists for Global Responsibility
Nuclear Proliferation Risks
China’s Policy of Plutonium Recycling
Hui Zhang
Proliferation Risks of Spallation Neutron Sources
Matthias Englert
EU Stretches Its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea
Soyoung Kwon and Glyn Ford
Missile Defense and Space
An Inappropriate Basis for Decision on MEADS
Bernd W. Kubbig
Japan’s Policy on Missile Defense Deployment
Keiko Nakamura
Verification Yearbook 2004
Diplomacy and the NPT
Missile Defence as a Step Toward War in Space
David Webb
Reinventing Multilateralism
International Control of Tritium for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Tor Wøhni
100 Peace Ideas
Regina Hagen and Julia Veits