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Archive - Old Bulletins

The following Bulletins are still available online, but only through a copy of the old INESAP website.

Issue No. 23 (Non-)Proliferation in Review

April 2004

pdf 1508kb

Issue No. 22 (The Role of Scientists in International Security)

December 2003

pdf 803kb

Issue No. 21 (Counter-Proliferation Spurs WMD Threat)

April 2003

pdf 1424kb

Issue No. 20 (Space Without Weapons)

August 2002

pdf 2009kb

Issue No. 19 (The Axe of Evil Against Arms Control)

March 2002

pdf 1155k

Issue No. 18 (Moving Beyond Missile Defense)

September 2001

pdf 1200kb

Issue No. 17 (Who is next? - The Proliferation of NATO Targets)

August 1999

pdf 1300kb

Issue No. 16 (Testing Fever -
Preparing for Future Arms Race on Earth and in Space)

November 1998

pdf 1900kb

Issue No. 15 (Security and Sustainable Development:
With or without Nuclear Weapons?)

April 1998

pdf 1000kb

Issue No. 14 (Searching For The Bomb:
Nuclear Disarmament Verification)

November 1997

pdf 1700kb

Issue No. 13 (Nuclear Weapons Materials
What Can Be Done?)

July 1997

pdf 1200kb

Issue No. 12 (NATO Expansion Between START and Star Wars)

March 1997

pdf 900kb

Issue No. 11 (Abolition 2000: The Anti-Nuclear Chain Reaction)

December 1996


Issue No. 10 (Steps Towards as Nuclear-Weapon-Free World)

August 1996


Issue No. 9 (Nuclear Energy After Chernobyl)

May 1996


Issue No. 8 (The Future of Nuclear Weapons in Europe)

February 1996


Issue No. 7 (Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East)

October 1995


Issue No. 6 (Is the Nuclear Arms Race Really Over?)

July 1995


Issue No. 5

April 1995


Issue No. 4

January 1995


Issue No. 3

October 1994


Issue No. 2

July 1994


Issue No. 1

April 1994

pdf 144kb

